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Government indicates to control social media

Islamabad: Federal Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah has said that he will consult journalists and other stakeholders on the change in the FIA ​​law related to social media and if freedom of speech is restricted through the bill, the government will withdraw the bill.

In his video message, he said that there are some things in social media that should be controlled, people’s private lives are being harmed through social media.

He said that this is a serious matter, it is feared that the freedom of expression should not be harmed, the media and journalistic organizations should guide us while maintaining the freedom of expression.

Is the government leading the transition in social media powers or is someone else leading it? In response to the question about social media, Rana Sanaullah said that the government is finally bringing the bill in the parliament, there will be a discussion on the transfer of powers to FIA related to social media.

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