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PUC observes ‘Palestine Solidarity Day’ across nation

Rallies in support of Palestinians held across Pakistan


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC) on Friday observed ‘Palestine Solidarity Day’ across the nation to express unity with the oppressed Palestinians and to offer special prayers in Friday sermons.
PUC Chairman Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi, along with other prominent religious leaders, spoke out in support of Palestine.
They highlighted the critical juncture in the Palestinian issue and called on Muslim leaders to play their role immediately.
Addressing the issue of human rights, PUC Chairman Ashrafi deplored the silence on the mass killings of the oppressed Palestinians, the official news agency reported.
He emphasised that for decades, Israel had been subjecting innocent civilians, hospitals, schools, and ambulances to its ruthless aggression.

LAHORE:Oct13- Activists of Jmaat-e-Islami holds protest to show solidarity with the Oppressed Muslims of the Philistine, in Provincial Capital. ONLINE PHOTO by Malik Sajjad

Notably, he said, the United States, India, the United Kingdom, and other Western nations remained silent in the face of Israeli brutality, disregarding the principles of human rights.
He called for swift action from the Muslim leaders to halt Israel’s aggression stressing that at this moment, the entire Muslim world stood with their oppressed Palestinian brothers and sisters.
He appreciated the unwavering efforts and stance of the leadership of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Iran, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, and other Muslim-majority countries.
He urged the Kingdom to take a leadership role in resolving the Palestinian and Kashmir issues, expressing its pivotal position in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
He stated that without the establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state, no solution could be achieved, and the support of Saudi Arabia was crucial in this regard.
He announced an International Conference of Solidarity with Palestine scheduled to be held in Islamabad on October 18, under the umbrella of PUC, where key discussions and plans would be presented to work towards the recognition of a free and independent Palestinian state by the international community.
Rallies in support of Palestinians and against Israel were held across Pakistan.

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