Lahore: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan has said that on Friday, December 23, the assemblies of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will be dissolved and then 123 members will go to the National Assembly to confirm their resignations.
Imran Khan addressed the nation and Liberty Chowk workers of Lahore via video link from Zaman Park, he was accompanied by Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervez Elahi and Chief Minister KPK.
Inflation reaches the highest level in 50 years
Imran Khan said I live and die in Pakistan, I am afraid that this group of thieves is leading the country to a lot of destruction, today all classes in the country are facing the dangers of sinking the economy of the country, for fifty years. Inflation has reached the highest level in the country for the first time.
Seven and a half lac people moved abroad in these seven months.
He claimed that seven and a half lac people have migrated abroad in these seven months, there is a cloud of despair everywhere, which is due to the presence of a gang of thieves in the government, while we helped people even in times like Corona. And provided them with employment.
Imran Khan said that the industry established in our era is closing down today, who is responsible for this regime change and what was the need for bringing the government to power after abolishing it, who will answer it?
‘Country heading towards default’
Chairman PTI said that there is no investment from abroad and no one is willing to give money, while Pakistanis living abroad are not sending remittances, 88 percent of Pakistanis and foreigners do not trust the government, and I am afraid that the country is heading towards default.
They will not hold elections even in October.
Imran Khan said that I am afraid that they will not hold the elections even in October because they will bring out some constitutional points with the Election Commission because the Supreme Court ordered new elections on our request, but the Election Commission refused. was done
Chairman PTI said that if the value of money falls, they will benefit because their money is lying outside, that’s why they have no interest in Pakistan.
General Bajwa is responsible for all the conspiracy and destruction.
Imran Khan said that “General Bajwa is the person responsible for the entire disaster, to whom I did not say anything because he was the head of the army and speaking ill of him could have harmed our army”.
Chairman PTI said that I have not seen as much cruelty in General Musharraf’s dictatorship as General Bajwa did in seven months. Political workers, journalists and social media activists were brutally tortured. They went and were released the next day, the torture inflicted on Shehbaz Gul still has its effects, while Azam Swati was tortured only for questioning the Army Chief about the NRO.
“I was told that you should stop working on corruption and focus on the economy.”
He said that they used to tell me that you should not worry about corruption, then with time we were told that you should leave corruption and focus on the economy and give your attention to that. Imran Khan asked that in a civilized society, corruption is not allowed, China is crazy, which took corrupt people out of poverty and made the country an economic power.
When the government went, they found that the people were with PTI.
‘My house and mobile were tapped’
Chairman PTI said that am I the enemy of the country that my house and phone were tapped, the conversation with my principal secretary was leaked and these audios are being brought out at different times while Azam Swati’s wife is also Video sent.
70% of Pakistanis want new elections
Imran Khan said that we tried to convince the government that elections are the need of the hour while living in the democratic sphere. Because the survey is showing that currently 70 percent of Pakistanis want new elections, for that we also held Azadi March.
“I came to know about the conspiracy a year ago”
Chairman PTI said that I came to know about the conspiracy a year ago, but when I asked General Bajwa about it, he always denied and said that we cannot and will not do it.
“Allah has honored me more than before, but the country has gone down.”
He said that after being removed from power, Allah gave me more respect than before, today Parvaiz Elahi and Mahmood Khan are sitting with me, but the country has gone down and now the children of these looters are ready to lead the country. When we question it, we are beaten, but I will not give up in any case and will continue to fight for the nation.
“Next Friday, the Assemblies of Punjab and Pakhtunkhwa will be dissolved.”
Imran Khan announced that after consulting legal experts, he will dissolve the assemblies of Punjab and Pakhtunkhwa on Friday, December 23, while 123 members of the assembly will go to the National Assembly to confirm the resignations and the Speaker will demand the confirmation of the resignations from the National Assembly. Then we will prepare for new elections.
Imran Khan said that after the resignations, elections will be held in 66 percent of the constituencies of the country, I want to erase the mark of PDM through elections.
“The nation need not despair”
Chairman PTI further said that there is no need for the nation to be disappointed and leave Pakistan in this condition, you have to stand up now and we will get rid of the country from all problems.
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