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School Timings in Islamabad revised due to heat

In response to the scorching temperatures gripping, the federal government has announced adjustments to school timings to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff.

A notification issued on Friday outlined the revised timings, stating that institutes operating in a single shift can now remain open from 7 am till 1 pm, Monday through Thursday.

For schools operating in two shifts, classes will be conducted on Friday and Saturday from 7 am till 11 am.

These changes, effective immediately, come as a proactive measure to mitigate the effects of the ongoing heatwave, prioritizing the health and comfort of students and staff alike.

Secretary of Education, Mahuddin Wani, affirmed that the decision was made with the safety of students and staff in mind, acknowledging the adverse impact of extreme heat on learning environments.

The alteration in school timings reflects the government’s commitment to ensuring conducive conditions for education amidst challenging weather conditions in the capital city.

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