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Dubai Property Leaks: All Assets Declared, Nothing Illicit: Naqvi

Interior Minister Senator Mohsin Naqvi addressed the media on Thursday in Lahore, offering a detailed response to the recent Dubai Property Leaks. Amidst revelations implicating several prominent figures, including government officials and politicians, Naqvi asserted that all of his properties, spanning over a decade, were duly declared with relevant authorities.

Naqvi, who holds multiple portfolios in the current government, including Minister for Narcotics Control, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman, and senator, clarified that his wife also owned properties in Dubai and the United Kingdom (UK) for several years. In his press conference, he criticized the media for potentially creating a misleading impression regarding the legality of his assets.

The Dubai Unlocked project, conducted by the OCCRP, brought to light property data of numerous Pakistanis, including retired military officials, bankers, bureaucrats, and others, owning properties in upscale Dubai neighborhoods.

Emphasizing his compliance with legal procedures, Naqvi highlighted that his property records could be readily accessed through submissions to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). He vehemently denied owning properties through illicit means and defended his right to invest domestically or abroad.

Expressing disdain towards the creators of the Dubai Property Leaks, Naqvi condemned the portrayal of his lawful earnings as illegitimate. He called for an inquiry into individuals who failed to declare overseas properties or possessed illicit assets.

Addressing recent remarks by KP CM Ali Amin Gandapur regarding potential takeovers of state-owned installations, Naqvi asserted that such actions would be dealt with accordingly, reaffirming the government’s stance on maintaining law and order.

Naqvi also touched upon the situation in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), stating that substantial funds had been allocated to the region. Responding to criticism for not visiting AJK, he cited constitutional provisions and reiterated his commitment to serving the nation despite scrutiny.

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