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Oxford Economist and UK High Commissioner Pledge Support for Pakistan’s Economic Growth

Islamabad– Mr. Stefan Dercon, a distinguished Professor of Economic Policy at Oxford University and former Chief Economist at DFID, joined forces with Ms. Jane Marriott, the British High Commissioner to Pakistan, in a meeting with Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, Pakistan’s Minister for Finance, Revenue, and Economic Affairs at the Finance Division. The high-profile gathering centered on bolstering Pakistan’s economic resilience in the face of global challenges, with an emphasis on sustainable development and inclusive growth.

During the meeting, Minister Dr. Shamshad Akhtar unveiled a comprehensive set of policy actions aimed at fortifying Pakistan’s economic foundations. These initiatives were carefully crafted to navigate the intricate landscape of global economic dynamics while prioritizing sustainable growth that benefits all segments of society.

Mr. Dercon, a renowned economist with a deep understanding of international development, reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to supporting Pakistan’s economic advancement. He lauded the country’s active pursuit of a reform agenda designed to bolster economic stability and drive progress.

The British High Commissioner, Ms. Jane Marriott, expressed admiration for the longstanding relationship between the United Kingdom and Pakistan. She pledged to explore new avenues for enhanced economic cooperation and investment between the two nations, underlining the UK’s keen interest in Pakistan’s development journey.

In response, Minister Dr. Shamshad Akhtar expressed her gratitude for the invaluable support provided by both the World Bank and the United Kingdom. She voiced her desire to further strengthen bilateral relations in various fields, including trade, education, and technology transfer.

The meeting concluded on an optimistic note, with all participants demonstrating a shared commitment to collaborating on addressing the economic challenges facing Pakistan. Their unified goal is to promote sustainable development and foster cooperation that will propel Pakistan toward greater economic prosperity in the years ahead.

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