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There can be no negotiations with Govt, Imran Khan

Lahore: Chairman PTI Imran Khan has said that negotiations with the government are not possible. Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan while addressing the Parliamentary Party of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa said that Parvaizalhi has given…

Threats and negotiations cannot go together, Govt

Lahore: The government ministers have responded to Imran Khan's offer of talks and said that threats and talks could not go together. After the (N) League meeting in Lahore, Khawaja Saad Rafiq, Rana Sanaullah, Malik Ahmed Khan and…

Pakistan paid off $1 billion worth of sukuk bonds

Islamabad: Pakistan paid off 1 billion dollars worth of  Sukuk Bonds. According to reports received by Leading News from the Ministry of Finance, Pakistan has paid the Sukuk bonds three days ahead of schedule as the last date for payment…

Maybe Imran is sincere in his offer of talks, Asif

Defense Minister and the central leader of Muslim League (N) Khawaja Asif has said that politicians should always be in negotiations but they should not be conditional, maybe Imran Khan is sincere in offering talks. Speaking to a News…

Country is not heading for default, Shaukat Tarin

Karachi: Former Finance Minister Shaukat Tareen has said that in the midst of chaos in the country, I will not make any irresponsible statement, the country is not going towards default, the people may face a difficult situation due to the…

Imran’s offer of conditional talks to Govt

Lahore: Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan offered conditional talks to the government and said that the government should give a date for the general elections, otherwise the assemblies will be dissolved. In his statement, Imran Khan…

Pakistan embassy targeted in Kabul, one injured

Islamabad: The compound of the Embassy of Pakistan in Kabul came under attack today targeting Head of Mission, Ubaid-ur-Rehman Nizamani. By the grace of Allah Almighty, the Head of Mission is safe. However, a Pakistani security guard Sepoy…