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Prominent Pakistani businessman miraculously survives car accident

NEW YORK: In what can only be described as a miraculous escape, Chaudhry Muhammad Shakeel, a prominent Pakistani businessman in New York, walked away unharmed from a severe car accident in Brooklyn.

The incident occurred on Brooklyn Avenue 19 when a speeding car collided with Chaudhry Shakeel’s vehicle, bearing the number plate KVD 4739. Despite significant damage to his car, Chaudhry Shakeel emerged unscathed. The New York Police Department (NYPD) has filed an accident report and initiated an investigation into the incident.

Eyewitnesses described the collision as a high-speed impact that left Chaudhry Shakeel’s car badly damaged. However, Chaudhry Shakeel, well-known in the local Pakistani community for his business acumen and philanthropy, miraculously avoided any injuries.

Police officials have launched a search for the driver responsible for the crash, who reportedly fled the scene. Investigations are ongoing, with the authorities combing through evidence from the accident site to track down the suspect.

Community leaders and members have expressed their relief and gratitude for Chaudhry Shakeel’s safety. A leading community figure commented, “We are thankful that Chaudhry Shakeel is safe. It is astonishing that he escaped without injury, and we trust that the police will apprehend the individual responsible.”

The Pakistani community in New York has shown full confidence in the NYPD’s capabilities, expressing hope that the perpetrator will be brought to justice swiftly.

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