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Climate change: Polio victim plans nationwide tree planting tour

PESHAWAR: A young polio victim is inspiring fellow citizens in the fight against climate change by embarking on a nationwide tour to visit 400 cities to plant saplings and raise awareness about the critical need to increase green cover.

“The aim of my countrywide journey is to spread the message about the urgent necessity of planting trees to mitigate the impacts of climate change, such as devastating floods, irregular rainfall, global warming, and heatwaves,” said 32-year-old Khizar Wali Chishti, who walks with crutches due to paralysis in his left leg caused by polio.

“I have set a target of planting 10 million trees across the country, and so far, I have successfully planted over 150,000 saplings with my own hands,” he added.

Speaking from his hometown Pakpattan, Khizar revealed that he is currently raising funds to acquire a heavy vehicle for transporting saplings to different parts of the country. His countrywide journey is scheduled to commence in June 2024, during which he plans to visit various cities, meeting with the public to raise awareness about the growing threats posed by climate change, the official news agency reported.

“Pakistan ranks among the top 10 most vulnerable countries to climate-induced disasters, and the disastrous floods of 2022 serve as a wake-up call for all of us,” Khizar emphasised.

During the recent holy month of Ramazan and the Eid festival, Khizar dedicated his time to planting trees in various cities of Punjab.

“I visited Lahore during Ramazan and, in addition to planting various trees, I also established a Miyawaki forest in the city,” he shared.

Khizar also organised the Fourth Annual National Tree Festival in Pakpattan a few months ago, inviting experts from across the country to educate visitors about the importance of planting indigenous trees and offering tips on kitchen gardening.

As a teacher, Khizar strives to raise awareness among people of all ages about the significance of increasing green cover.

“It is essential to raise awareness among all sections of society because people of all ages are affected by climate change,” he stressed.

Khizar has created a social media group called “Green Oasis” to raise awareness about the importance of increasing green cover. He shares updates of his tree planting activities on social media platforms to reach his followers worldwide.

In addition to his environmental efforts, Khizar also focuses on welfare-oriented activities, such as organising free health camps, fundraising for the education of underprivileged children, and feeding birds and animals.

Despite being a polio survivor, Khizar remains undeterred in his mission to increase the country’s green cover amidst the challenges posed by global warming.

“Disability caused by polio can’t hinder me from continuing my mission,” he affirmed.


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