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Pakistan, UAE Strengthen Collaboration in IT and Digital Economy

Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have joined forces to enhance bilateral cooperation in the field of Information Technology, with a particular focus on Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Economy. This momentous agreement was reached during a meeting held on the sidelines of GITEX 2023, a renowned technology exhibition, as stated in an official press release.

Caretaker Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, Dr. Umar Saif, led the Pakistani delegation, while UAE’s Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy, and Remote Work Applications, Omar Sultan Al Olama, represented the Emirati side in the discussions.

Pakistan, a country known for its growing tech ecosystem, is showcasing its prowess at GITEX 2023 through TechDestinationPakistan, a brand featuring over 27 companies and more than 45 innovative startups.

During the meeting, Dr. Umar Saif provided a comprehensive overview of Pakistan’s technology potential, highlighting the significant number of IT graduates produced by Pakistani universities and the burgeoning startup culture. He also commended GITEX as an ideal platform for exhibitors to engage with key industry players, explore business opportunities, and stay updated on global tech developments.

Omar Sultan Al Olama expressed his appreciation for Pakistan’s increasing participation in GITEX Global 2023, acknowledging the country’s growing role in the global technology landscape.

A key outcome of the meeting was an agreement to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the Government Excellence Excellence Program (GEEP), aimed at achieving excellence in government performance. This partnership reflects the commitment of both nations to fostering innovation and driving technological progress in their respective regions.

As Pakistan and the UAE unite their strengths in the IT and digital sectors, this collaboration promises to bring exciting developments in Artificial Intelligence, the Digital Economy, and more. The future holds great potential for this strategic alliance between these two forward-thinking nations.

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