Quetta: Chief Minister Abdul Qudous Bizenjo has said that the federal government is still showing coldness to solve the financial and wheat crisis of Balochistan.
These views were expressed by the Chief Minister of Balochistan Abdul Qudous Bizenjo while talking to the ministers on the financial and wheat crisis of the province.
Chief Minister Balochistan said that the federation should play its role immediately to solve the wheat crisis, but the federation is still showing coldness.
He said that Punjab had promised to supply 6 lac sacks of wheat. It is hoped that Punjab will fulfill its promise as a big brother.
Abdul Qadoos Bizenjo said that he has repeatedly told the federation not to give charity, but is asking for his share in NFC because if the financial crisis continues, they will not be able to pay salaries.
He said that Balochistan’s share in NFC has constitutional protection. Therefore, we should be given an additional share of 1% in NFC for the sake of security, while there is arrears of 34 billion due to PPL of Balochistan.
Chief Minister Abdul Qadoos Bizenjo said that the Prime Minister should take personal interest and take Balochistan out of the financial crisis. Balochistan is a strong unit of the Federation.
He further said that the ladder of development of Pakistan passes through Balochistan and Rekodic is a strong economic stability project of Pakistan.
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